Change your Potty Training Mindset & jump in with both feet!

Hey family! This is not a how-to guide to potty training. I’m reporting from the trenches. I made a few mindset shifts before we started potty training our 25 month old and I really think it helped us through.

I’m here to cheer you and your little one on!
Potty training gets a bad rap and many parents find themselves (myself included) putting it off. Having just been through the whole ordeal – while taking care of a newborn, more on that later – here’s a few mindset tips to get your head in the game.
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In my experience, experts are contradicting each other left, right and centre. Especially in the online space. Everyone is discrediting each others’ method, claiming that if you sign up to their online course that they’ll have your kid potty trained in just a few days.
You know your little ones better than anyone so you call the shots on how it’s done. You might want to get a brief overview of different methods of potty training to see what suits your family. Once you’ve chosen a method, find a book or online course of your choice and give it a go.
Potty Training is an awesome milestone
Your little one will make you so proud, and frustrated, but that’s okay too. One of the best mindset shifts you need to make when potty training is to try to see it as an exciting time. You’re on the path to no more nappies! Your small person is on their merry way to being a big person!

Your toddler is going to have moments that blow you away, and you think they’re so grown up.
Be sure to tell them how proud you are ♡
It’s not going to be an easy ride but we have to work for the best things in life.
Everyone will have an opinion
Your Mum, your partners’ Mum, your neighbour, that other Mum you always see outside of nursery on Thursdays. Everyone.
Sometimes advice is welcome, sometimes it’s not. Don’t let all the voices of opinion phase you or make you feel guilty.
Smile sweetly, say “thanks, I’ll bear that in mind” and move on.
Potty Training Mindset Top Tip: Consistency is the name of the game
Consistency isn’t always my strong suit, with ADHD tendencies I tend to be a little impulsive on occasions, especially when tired. This is where my Capricorn husband comes in handy!
But seriously, do what you said you would and keep your little one in their routine as much as possible.
With consistency in mind, we kept her off nursery for at least a week because they weren’t willing to go with the method of potty training we chose.
Patience is the middle-name of the game
Your mindset is so important when potty training and one of my biggest learning curves has been the art of patience. Frankly, I think parenting in general has been patience 101. I used to think I was a patient person until I had a toddler. Talk about chucked in at the deep end.
As exciting as potty training is, it’s not the easiest phase. Look after yourself, sleep is important and talk to friends and family. If you feel like it’s getting intense and you’re going to lose your cool, invite a relative over to help during the day.

Setbacks are normal and can serve as reminders
Repeat after me: Learning isn’t linear.
As I’m writing this, we potty trained about 4 months ago and recently it felt like we were going backwards again. I was literally tearing my hair out and beating myself up because I thought I’d done something wrong. Turns out, all that was happening was she just had FOMO.
Now more than any time, consistency is the way you’re going to get back on track.
There are other reasons for potty training to suddenly take a nose dive like a new sibling, starting day-care, UTI etc. Just keep an eye on them and take them to the doctor if you’re worried.
If you have another little one on the way and your toddler might be ready, just do it.
I was bigging up potty training to my family for months.
“Yup she’s showing signs that she’s ready, we start in the Easter holidays”.
Easter rolled around and passed us by. I hadn’t even bought a potty at this stage.
My excuses included: I’m too tired, too pregnant, too stressed at work, maybe she’s not ready after all.
I’m not sure why I thought then, it would be easier to potty train my toddler with a newborn, as opposed to being 7 months pregnant.
It all worked out fine, but I do wish I’d started before my little man arrived.
How we potty trained & what we used
Below you’ll find what we used, in case you were wondering!
Part of our positive potty training mindset we had because of the book I had read before starting. I’m not saying that this is THE method to go with but we found to worked for us. It was: Oh Crap! Potty Training by Jamie Glowacki.
Jamie’s not for everyone but I think she’s fabulous. No bullsh*t, no coddling, she’s particularly down to earth and she’ll say it how it is. I will warn you, if you’re starting potty training after your kid turns 3, she’s a little doom and gloom on the subject, doesn’t say it’s impossible, but says you’ll have a harder time of it. Don’t let it guilt you, her book still is very handy.
Jessica read this book with us to get her talking about using the potty.
We bought 3 potties in the end, which sounds excessive, but we genuinely use all three.
We only have one bathroom in our house and it’s on the ground floor. Not so handy when she’s upstairs in her room. So upstairs we have a straightforward potty bought from Tesco.
For downstairs, we bought this potty – I have to admit, with the padded seat, it looks pretty comfortable! She loves the ‘flush’ button and it’s super easy to clean.
Then we have a carry potty. If you haven’t heard of them before – these are revolutionary! Jessica chose the clownfish one, she calls it her ‘Nemo potty’. When you’ve nailed the basics and you are ready to brave the big wide world, this can be a life saver!
This has proven invaluable while on road trips. Completely leak proof. Not particularly comfortable for them to sit on so I wouldn’t recommend only having this one. But it does the trick while out and about on long car journeys, or if visiting friends.
Keep a note of this exciting time with Dear Toddler
Finally, your positive potty training mindset will set you and your little one up for success
Your mindset top tips before potty training:
- Get excited
- Be consistent
- Be patient
- Look after yourself
Are you starting potty training soon? I’d love to hear your top tips or questions, comment below!
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